Transnet VIS2
What we did
Provide databases where information is used by train operators to keep track of train movements in yards, sidings and main lines.
Redline Infrastructure is the preferred installer for ETION on all Transnet’s Vehicle Identification Systems (VIS2).
The Vehicle Identification System2(VIS2) enables operators of rolling stock to have visibility of the location and movement of their fleet. Visibility is a key factor for operators of heavy hall trains to move products efficiently and safely. Combined with trackside condition monitoring equipment, unsafe conditions can easily be traced back to the offending vehicle.
The VIS 2 is capable of monitoring from 1 to 4 rail lines independently to detect the presence of RF Identification tags located on locomotives and wagons. Once tags are detected, they are paired with vehicles using axle pattern recognition. The vehicle number stored in the RF tag, the vehicle type information, the direction and the speed of movement is constructed to build a train consist. The train data is transmitted to the VIS Backoffice databases where the information is used by train operators to keep track of train movements in yards, sidings and main lines.